Big Sky Shires & Equine Services
7 Mile Hampshires
Big Sky Shires & Equine Sercives and 7 Mile Hampshires is located in the badlands of Eastern Montana. It is here that this family, origonally from the mountains, has settled to raise a their family, horses and sheep. They pride themselves on brining Montana the best genetics in their breeds. They are big supporters of 4-H. FFA and local agricuture groups. The diverisity of their business and offerings has made them successful in their adventures and dreams.
Family Values

The Hoagland's moved to Glendive MT in 2003. At that time they began raising Shire horses on their property west of town. The program started with a foundation in old family values. Honesty, integrity and above all a hard days work. A family that works and plays hard they love sharing the fruits of their labors with others. DREAMS do come ture with hard work, faith, love and family.

Professional & Certified Instruction

Leanne showed and judged horses as a youth and college student. She now peruses a small business in riding instruction, judging, wagon services and designing equine publications for print. She is certified with the American Riding Instructor's Association (ARIA) in Level II Western and Level I Hunt Seat and working on her Equine Professional Certificate in Equine Assisted Therapy with EAGALA. Leanne also has attained her Equine Breeding certificate through Colorado State University. As an equine professional Leanne has continued to grow and maintain her knowledge and skills. She continues lessons and clinics in driving, reining, pleasure and English riding. Leanne is also an addiction counselor and has worked as an Ag Teacher at the college and high school level for 16 years. She is certified as a welding inspector and educator with the American Welding Society.

History of Quality
and Longevity
Our Shire babies are handled from birth, we test cholostrum, IGG test and imprint. Each foal is given 30 days groundwork in our personally designed ground school program before shipping to their new family. This is an $800 value we pass on to our buyers and why we limit outside horses. All returning clients get discounts on future clinics, lessons and purchases. We focus not on color or trivial traits in our program. As a rare breed line breeding is a concern and Our line breeding coefficients are less than 2%. Structure, conformation, disposition and quality are our key concerns. Our genetics are some of the most well rounded in the US with genetics from all over the US, Canada and England. Deighton Commodore, Ruskington Danny, Starcastle Challenger, Sladbrook Jubilee Spirit, Hillmoor Double Diamond, Deighton Black Knight, Caerberllan Magnum, Red Brae Duke, Gladwin Gold Jayna, 4 L’s Black McBeth, Cowerslane Concord, Snelson Magnus, Walton Troop Leader, Gerreg William are just a few of the greats in our program. All hand selected for the best. Our foals are working at Kentucky Horse Park as a breed ambassador, police horse in Toronto, show horses, pleasure horses as well as therapy horses.
Champion Foundations in Solid Genetics

Our Hampshire program features a diverse set of genetics from Missouri, South Dakota, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Montana, Oregon, and Minnisota. We have hand selected animals for breed standard, conformation, longevity, mothering ability and economics. Connley shows and owns half the flock in both the fitted and slick shorn divisions. Each year we sell rams at the Miles City Ram Sale. Every spring the family sells privately off the farm. All our sheep are hand selected to improve our program. Through 4-H and FFA Connley now sells lamb in the local farm to table store. We are proud of our sheep and their ability to not only win in the show ring but also perform on the rail.