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Oline Courses & Learning

In 2016 we started to share our knowledge through our very own online learning platform. Our courses are taught by certified ag teacher Leanne Hoagland who has 20 years teaching Ag, welding and equine sciences at the high school and college level. For more information on Leanne please see her bio under the services tab. 

Each course provides live lectures that are recorded for play back as well as notes, handouts and resources. The courses are all taught on Zoom where the lectures are recorded and all materials are hosted on Google Classroom.   The online platform is easy and fun to use providing a college course feel in an easy to use layout.  

Courses range in price from $35 to $150.  Some courses are held in a single evening 1-2 hours and some are weekly for up to 8 weeks.   If you see a course you like and missed the live lectures you can contact us and enroll.  We have replay capabilities on every course.  We will send a PayPal invoice and once paid you will have access to the course shell. 

Reach out for us to register and request a class. 

Course offerings Include: 

Equine Nutrition: 

Horses in a Tough Economy:

Conformation and Selection of the Shire:

Breeding Contracts and Considerations:

Mud and Manure Management:

Equine First Aid:

Mare Care & Foaling:

Marketing Horses in a Digital Age:

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