Big Sky Shires & Equine Services
7 Mile Hampshires

We are proud to offer services in Equine Assisted Therapy. We work as the Equine Professional while using the EAGALA Model of equine assisted therapy. In this model the team consists of the Equine Professional, the Mental Health Professional and a group of qualified horses. Currently we contract our services with mental health providers. This is a great way to learn about yourself through the use of horses as mirrors. Truly an experience all should see to believe. This practice can be used in Addictions Counseling, Team Building and Leadership as well as Family Counseling to Marriage Counseling. A use of horses as a powerful learning tool.
Horse Powered Reading® integrates social-emotional learning with academics; thus allowing students see and experience reading with their entire mind, body and emotions by creating metaphors for the skills involved in reading.
Students interact with horses from the ground, while using toys and props to identify obstacles and learn five critical reading skills - phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension
* Session goals vary depending upon the needs of the individual or group

Here at Big Sky Shires & 7 Mile Hampshires we pride ourselves on professional services supported with continuing education and life long learning. Our programs can be taylored to any level or interest. Click on the link above to find details on the following services:
~ Lessons
~Wagon Services
~Horse Motel & Overnight Boarding
~Breeding Management
~Equine Photography and Marketing

Our newest educational opportunity is online courses and workshops in equine and agriculture sciences. Learn college level material from your home through our online platforms. Affordable education for the lifelong learner in all of us. All courses are available to home school and youth programs. Unlike other online programs we have recorded lecture as well as handouts that can be downloaded and printed out. Course offerings will be listed on Schedulicity as they are available.

We have spent years building and growing our facilities. We have safe and functional facitities that meet the needs of our own horses as well as over night boarders, lessons, clinics, and consulting. Click on the "Facilities"
link above to see more photos.
~100X200 Outdoor Arena
~10 Stall Barn
~5 72x16 runs with attached sheds
~5 10X20 Traveling Pens
~ 2 Patience Poles
~Obstacle Course
~Hot Walker
~Stocks and Wash Rack
~ Machine Shed
~50 Foot Round Pen with Sand Footing

We are proud to be dealers of the first and only research tested slow feed net system. Our horses are healthier emotionally and physically. We have slowed our waste to 6% with 94% of our bales going into our horses.

Meet Leanne Hoagland MAB LAC. Read more and see pictures of Leanne in riding, driving, clinics and more. Leanne currently works at Dawson County High School as the Ag/ Welding Instructor and FFA Advisor. She is also a licensed addictions counselor with the state of Montana. She is a life long learner and loves to teach and share in her passions. Click on the title above to read her full bio and credentials.